Embodying the Body Workshop - Links Hall Kristina Isabelle Dance Company Links Hall Workshop
Mondays and Wednesdays in September 2012 Sept. 3 & 5, 10 & 12, 17 & 19, 24 & 26
The workshop will include: 10:00-11:30 Technique Class 11:30-1:00 Repertory
Early Bird Registration Sign up by Aug 30th $160.00 for both classes or $80 for one class (technique or rep) After Sept. 3rd $192.00 both or $96 for one
Drop-ins Welcomed: $12 a class
Students, low-income, rate available upon inquiry
Technique Class Embodying the Body will incorporate improvisation and dynamic phrase work to help refine and define our movement choices. The warm-up will awaken the body, mind and senses to qualitative movement experiences that will help develop a range of movement choices leading us to more freedom and awareness to not only develop new movement possibilities but also continue to open pathways for deeper physical expression. Pushing the body to tell the stories within and pushing the boundaries of what is physically possible. The class will focus on building strong dancers and engaging performers.
Repertory I will be work-shopping new material for my upcoming project The Floating City as part of the 2012 Chicago Dance Makers Forum Lab Artist award. The movement will include a full range of physicality to subtle internal body initiations.
For more information: http://www.linkshall.org/12-pw-sep.shtml
To Register: http://kristinaisabellelh.eventbrite.com/